PrePsia is a prognostic test, which identifies in early pregnancy, those women with an above average BMI who are at increased risk of developing preeclampsia later in their pregnancies.

PrePsia has the potential to revolutionise prenatal care globally by enabling health care providers to customize pregnancy care to a woman’s personal risk profile., PrePsia will lead to better pregnancy outcomes for mums and babies.

What is Preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a disorder that is unique to pregnancy affecting as many as 5% of pregnancies in the developed world, and up to 18% of pregnancies in some developing countries.

The condition is typically characterized by the development of high blood pressure and protein in the urine (“proteinuria”). Swelling, sudden weight gain, headaches and changes in vision are other important symptoms. However, some women will get preeclampsia without any of these symptoms. The often rapidly progressive escalation of preeclampsia makes it one of the most dangerous pregnancy conditions and the only cure is to deliver the baby. As a result Preeclampsia is a major contributor of Preterm Birth. Worldwide preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are still a leading cause of maternal and infant illness and death. An estimated 50,000 maternal and 500,000 infant deaths are attributed to preeclampsia and related conditions each year.

Why Choose PrePsia?

  • Can be performed at around week 15, which is up to 5 months before most women will develop clinical symptoms of preeclampsia.
  • Is performed with a simple blood draw from the mother’s arm, posing no risk to the baby.
  • Women identified as being at high risk by PrePsia, can now be offered a personalized care program leading to better pregnancy outcomes for mums and abies..
  • As a group, obese pregnant women are more susceptible to pregnancy complications. Knowing who is really at increased risk and who is not, will provide valuable information to customize care.
  • Women identified as being at low risk, will have a risk of preeclampsia that is less than that of a non-obese woman.

The Test Process [Insert Diagram Here]