Account Director – multi award winning agency – consumer big brands – UK activation – £45k
Highly desirable, multi-award winning agency with a reputation that’s been untouchable, is looking for a solid Account Director to work on a massive global umbrella brand and take on the household name sub-brands and all its UK activation.
Working in a large team, supported by SAMs, AMs and AE’s you’ll report into an Associate Director and be the day to day main point of contact for the client Brand Director. The role will involve many elements of planning and process as well as ooddles of creativity. Many of the campaigns for these brands are fully integrated, built around a single idea, plenty of stunts and social media elements so you’ll also need to be fully digitally savvy.
Excellent team management skills is required for this role – it juggles a lot of balls, so clearly being highly organised will be key – a role not for a faint-hearted but paid back in spades by working on campaigns that you can enter into the PR Week Awards every year, adding to your personal experience and your cv! People who work at this agency tend to go on to great things; the value will be added for sure.
Minimum of five years experience, coupled with a good track record of producing creative campaigns with a integrated feeling about them. Good writing skills, nose for news and the ability to still pick up the phone and call a journalist are all the obvious factors required here for success.
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